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Dawida los pequenos banditos

WT: 18.09.2010

HD: A (D)

CSNB: frei

im BCD voll
zur Zucht zugelassen

Ihre Stärken

Unsere Ribana nimmt jeden durch ihr freundliches Verhalten und ausgeglichenes Wesen für sich ein. Ihr Rufname "Ribana" bedeutet "Edle Blume der Berge". 

Sie ist die Mama vom D- und E-Wurf und die gute Seele in unserem Rudel. Mittlerweile genießt Sie ihren Ruhestand. 

Photo gallery

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l'Etoile de Panache

WT: 06/21/2002

HD: borderline case B

CSNB: free

Size: 67cm

in the BCD full
approved for breeding

Greatest successes

2003 Dortmund V1 youth world winner

2003 cfh-Club youth champion

2003 Most beautiful male in the cfh

2004 Berlin V1 CAC / CACIB / BOB

2005 Friborg exc.1 CAC / CACIB / BOB

B-Wurf0001 sunny Kopie (Mittel).jpg


was our first Briard. She moved in with us when she was 8 weeks old and showed us what a real Briard can do. With her we founded our breeding, the mountain vagabonds. She raised 3 litters and was a strict but loving mother. She was a sports cannon jogging, cycling, swimming, nothing was too much for her. Unfortunately, she died on April 11, 2007, at the age of 9, from kidney failure after a routine operation. We like to think back to the wonderful hours that we were able to experience with her.



Inka was Bugatti's daughter.

She left us in August 2010 due to a torsion in the stomach.



Our Mascha was 3 ½ years old when she came to us. Through Mascha we came to the Briard. Friendly nature, affectionate, a loyal soul, spirited, playful. To have for every nonsense. In a nutshell. A great dog !!!.

Mascha was a water rat, scented streams, lakes, and rivers from far away and then promptly suffered from acute hearing loss.

Mascha left us at the proud age of almost 18 years.



came to us when he was 10 weeks old, he was our first dog and as the pack got bigger and bigger over time, the little guy had no problems at all to assert himself with the big Briards, because he was an intelligent little smartie. Always in the mood for fun and very enterprising. On Sept. He died in 2009 at the age of 15. We still think of Him a lot today.

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